10 Useful Tips When Managing a Big Organization for the First Time

First-time managers typically work under a lot of pressure to ensure they are producing the expected results. It can be a highly overwhelming experience because effective management is a challenging task that involves dealing with many different aspects of a business.


There are certain strategies that every first-time manager should follow to efficiently manage a large-scale organization and fulfill their responsibilities.

1. Analyze the Business Fully

Once you become a manager of a big organization, the first thing you should do is fully analyze and understand the business through various reports and overall working procedures.


It includes understanding the organizational culture, business valuationHR and payroll functions, and the relationships between different departments of the company. A thorough understanding of the organization will ultimately help you in making informed business decisions.

2. Always Be Open to Provide Feedback

It is important to understand that most of the management roles have learn-as-you-go lessons. Hence, all managers, especially first-time managers, should be open to feedback from the top management and the team that they are managing.

You should try out different management styles to determine the best style for you and also get feedback from people around you to ensure you are on the right track.

3. Spend Time with Your Team Members

Managers should spend time with their team members individually to develop good working relationships with them. It will help you in perfecting your management style and also contribute to the career development of our team members.

You should understand the priorities and motivations of your employees to make better business decisions.

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4. Maintain Regular Communication

You should focus on establishing a regular communication channel through which you can give and receive feedback from your team members.

Furthermore, having a clear and regular communication line is important to develop smooth, professional relationships and ensure your employees are comfortable in discussing various issues and feedback with you.

5. Draw a Line between Friendship and Business

You should have a clear idea about the differences between friendship and business. HR departments of large-scale organizations also typically take such dynamics seriously.

It is inevitable that you will have to face uncomfortable situations with workplace friends, but you must always keep friendship and business separate.

Otherwise, if the lines between friendship and business are blurred, it can cause you to commit a lot of mistakes as a manager, such as favoritism. Even if you have friends at your workplace, you should make it clear to them that you have to keep friendships out of the workplace.

6. Learn Delegation

First-time managers have to be involved in every other task of their team members at the early stages. However, it is understandable that you will not be able to oversee each and every detail of these tasks.

Therefore, you must learn effective delegation quickly to create a productive environment in which you can trust your employees to fulfill their responsibilities. You must give enough space and trust to your employees that they can grow their abilities and perform critical business functions.

7. Be Consistent

Once you make an informed business decision, you should be consistent in your decisions and trust your instincts and abilities that you can fulfill your responsibilities. If you keep changing your decisions, your team members may lose confidence in your leadership skills.

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8. Set Clear Expectations

It is important to set clear expectations from the very start so that your employees know what responsibilities they have and how they should fulfill them.

However, you should be flexible in your expectations and requirements because the employees are also likely to face some challenges in adjusting to your management style.

Moreover, you should work closely with the corporate secretary and accounting firm in Singapore to ensure you are setting effective strategies and expectations.

9. Be Direct

When you assume your role as a manager, you must be direct in communicating your feedback, and directives to your employees.


It is common for first-time managers to go through imposter syndrome, but you should remember that it is always a good idea to establish a professional relationship with your employees, especially in the initial stage.

10. Be Smart in Praising and Criticizing

Managers should be balanced in both praising and criticizing the employees for helping them grow and thrive at work.


If you only give praise, you will be in danger of seeming like a weak leader, while continuous criticism can make your employees demoralized. Hence, you must adopt a balanced approach.

The Bottom Line

By following the tips discussed above, you will be in a good position to manage a large-scale organization and impress the top management with good results.


Moreover, it is recommended to acquire the services of an accounting firm in Singapore to help you with such an important task.
