We are more than just an Accountant, with our expertise in various industries, we tailor-made the right solutions for your business.
Putting Your Puzzle Pieces Together

Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.


With TY TEOH International, your management team is surrounding with 7000+ excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 75+ countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.


Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !


Service - Audit & Assurance
Registered Auditors

The traditional role of audit has always been to ensure compliances to statutory obligations.


Stakeholders today have regarded auditing more than just meeting statutory obligations. Many users of financial information are demanding greater reliability of both financial and non-financial data specific to their needs.


Our audit process is not only designed to provide relevant, timely and reliable information to the users, but we also see the audit process as an opportunity to add real value to our client’s business operations. This understanding not only brings the clarity to the company financial position, but also provides a sound basis from which to propose value added solutions designed to enhance internal control procedures and business operations.


Our expertise include:


  • Statutory and Regulatory Audit
  • Security Exchange Reporting (Reporting Accountants) on Pro-Forma Accounts and Prospectuses connected with admission to the regulated market.
  • US GAAP and SOX (Sarbanes–Oxley) Reporting
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) Reporting
  • Announcement Review in compliance with Stock Exchange Requirement
  • Agreed-upon Procedures Engagement
  • Limited Review Engagement
  • Compilation of Unaudited Financial Statement in accordance with Applicable Financial Reporting Framework.