We are more than just an Accountant, with our expertise in various industries, we tailor-made the right solutions for your business.
Putting Your Puzzle Pieces Together

Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.


With TY TEOH International, your management team is surrounding with 7000+ excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 75+ countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.


Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !


Service - Audit & Assurance
Registered Auditors
The traditional role of audit has always been to ensure compliances to statutory obligations.

Stakeholders today have regarded auditing more than just meeting statutory obligations. Many users of financial information are demanding greater reliability of both financial and non-financial data specific to their needs.

Our audit process is not only designed to provide relevant, timely and reliable information to the users, but we also see the audit process as an opportunity to add real value to our client’s business operations. This understanding not only brings the clarity to the company financial position, but also provides a sound basis from which to propose value added solutions designed to enhance internal control procedures and business operations.

Our expertise include:

  • Statutory and Regulatory Audit
  • Security Exchange Reporting (Reporting Accountants) on Pro-Forma Accounts and Prospectuses connected with admission to the regulated market.
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) Reporting
  • Announcement Review in compliance with Stock Exchange Requirement
  • Agreed-upon Procedures Engagement
  • Limited Review Engagement
  • Compilation of Unaudited Financial Statement in accordance with Applicable Financial Reporting Framework.



There have been major changes from the early days of business process that was relatively simpler as compared to today business environment. Today, business success originates from continual improvement be it to improve profits, cashflow, shareholder returns, customer services, etc. History has clearly proven: companies who adapt to change, prosper; those do not, wither.


Our well established and highly competent professionals who are in depth knowledge of rules and regulations ready to serve your need on meeting and compliance all statutory regulation regardless of industry or size of your organisation.


You can now turn to us primarily for your obstacles to success, flesh ideas, projects management and all statutory compliances as our team are possessed decades of real life successful business experiences and in-depth knowledge of rules and regulations to help you to counter them.


Our expertise include:

  • Accounting Services and Functions
  • Budgeting and Financial Forecast
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
  • Company, Branch, Representative Offices Registration
  • Corporate Secretarial & Administration Services
  • Executive Recruitment and Search
  • Government Licences Application
  • Grant and Incentive Application
  • Outsourcing CFO Functions
  • Payroll Services and Human Resource Administration
  • Preparation of filing XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language)
  • Provision of Nominee Directors Services
  • Provision of Treasury Functions
  • PEO and Employer of Records Services

CHINA DESK 中国企业服务部

Service-China Desk
一带一路 (“丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路”)是中华人民共和国政府于2013年倡议并专注于加强区域互联互通,以实现更高效且富有成效的贸易自由流动以及实体和数字国际市场的整合。


  1.  新亚欧大陆桥
  2.  中蒙俄经济走廊
  3.  中国-中亚-西亚经济走廊
  4.  中国–中南半岛经济走廊
  5.  中巴经济走廊
  6.  孟中印缅经济走廊



Digital Advisory

Digital Transformation
Digitalization has become a wide-spread phenomenon in today’s world. It has transformed the way we work, live our life, do business and basically the way the world moves. In a nutshell, we have moved into a digital business environment that has created unimaginable opportunities for innovation. However, are businesses ready for this shift? Can they take advantage of this new opportunities?

In order to be successful, organizations are forced to jump into the digital transformation band-wagon in order to stay relevant and to meet the constantly evolving business needs. This transformation and ability to adopt to affect how organizations operate and deliver value to customers. It also affects company productivity, business collaboration, transparency in industry knowledge and so many other aspects.

Companies need to integrate technology into their existing business model. Conventional methods, products and services would have to be streamlined onto a digital platform. We can help businesses with comprehensive tailor-made solutions to enable your company’s digital transformation. We offer end-to-end digital transformation solutions and assistance with risk mitigation. Our solutions are a combination of data analytics and cutting edge technology to develop business applications that are relevant to your business and set your company on the right path. With your commitment for continuous improvement, together we can achieve the highest level of efficiency and seamless digital transformation.

Our Digital Tools in multi-industries focusing on Big Data Analysis and interconnectivity People and Business Process include:


Family Office & Private Client
Today, High-net-worth Individuals (HNWIs) have invested in differing types of complicated financial assets and businesses around the world. As a result, they might have people around them who they would like to protect or to whom they want part or all of their assets to be transferred to in the event of a worst case scenario or unforeseen circumstances. Unfortunately, based on our experience, most individuals neglect to put in place an organized retirement plan and a dedicated inheritance structure to ensure the continuity of their affairs, their businesses and income for the next generation.

Who can be considered HNWIs? They may include some of the characteristics as follows:

  • Have participations in Private Equity
  • Holding one or more portfolios of securities
  • Co-investing with other families or investors
  • Have shares invested in different projects
  • Own several estates and assets around the world such as private villas, yachts, planes etc
  • Have people they want to protect financially, such as children, partners, business associates, and/or charities.

We note that Family Offices and HNWIs often face difficulties when dealing with asset management, especially when they have several types of assets in different forms and countries.

These type of portfolio makes administration a time-consuming and complicated task as it doesn’t allow for much transparency in respect of valuation of assets, income, and risk. We can help HNWIs overcome these hurdles by providing tailor-made solutions to hold and manage their assets, investments and wealth.

We will advise, analyze and structure the inheritance plan with respect to the family founder’s Will, governance and heirship’s rule. We will also put in place the appropriate structures, maintain the administration, appoint independent managers or protectors, and fulfil any accounting, legal or tax reporting obligations to the relevant authorities.

Our operational solutions are flexible and practical with a wide coverage on management and control participations, ways to protect, maintain and administer the family wealth including assets/possessions around the globe and international tax advices on transferring assets.

Our expertise include:
Family Office Wealth Structure and Planning
  • Private Foundation
  • Private Mutual Investment Funds 
  • Private and Islamic Trust 
  • Private Wealth Management
Family Office Services
  • Business Transfer and Succession Planning
  • Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning
  • Private Assets Consolidation and Dedicated Reporting 
  • Private Investment Office
  • Wealth Protection Plan


Service - Financial and Transaction Advisory

Asia’s dynamic economic growth and the rapid internationalization have led to a major increase in financial and transaction activities.


Our Financial and Transaction Advisory extends our assistances to our clients intending to undertake or in the course of undertaking corporate exercises, to maximize their potential business value, of various forms, including but not limited to, originating and executing transactions such as initial public offering and private capital, selling parts of the businesses, acquiring complementary companies, restructuring the business and seeking strategic alliances, etc.


Our expertise include:

Merger and Acquisitions

  • Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances
  • Divestitures & Carve-out
  • Management Buy-Outs and Buy-Ins (MBO & MBI)
  • Post-Merger Integration (PMI)

Transaction Services

  • Financial & Tax Due Diligence
  • Financial Modelling and Projections
Pre-IPO and IPO Readiness
  • Pre-IPO Planning and Restructuring
  • Pre-IPO Funds Matching

Corporate Finance

  • Private Equity / Debts and Venture Capital Funds Matching
  • Project Financing and Debt Restructuring
  • Capital Deduction

Japan Desk ジャパン・デスク

Japan Desk





  • 監査・保証業務(アシュアランス)
  • ビジネス移行アドバイザリー
  • アウトソーシング(BPO)・ビジネスアドバイザリー
  • オフショアアドバイザリー
  • デジタルトランスフォーメーション・データアナリティクス
  • リスク・ガバナンス
  • ファミリーオフィス・プライベートサービス
  • 税務・GST税
  • 財務、買収合併 (M&A)
  • 移転価格
  • 市場参入
  • 企業価値評価(バリュエーション)

Malaysia Desk

Malaysia Desk

Malaysia, strategically located in the heart of South East Asia, offers a dynamic and vibrant business environment for growth and profits as it has cost-competitive, well-developed infrastructure and legal system, and productive workforce.

Malaysia offers a vast range of investment incentives in Iskandar Development Region and South Johor Economic Region (Iskandar Malaysia), East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE), Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) to investors.

Our office in Malaysia is co-managed by the regional and local Malaysia partners with local professional team. Our Malaysia office is subject to same work quality and methodology as other offices in the region.

We are truly local yet totally regional. With the leverage of our local Malaysia experiences and regional exposure, we instantly source the very best experts and teams to provide as much weight, insight or business credentials, as each client’s project requires.

Our Malaysia offices provide a diverse spectrum of business solutions and consulting services to the corporate client including:

  • Audit and Assurance
  • BPO & Business Advisory
  • China Desk
  • Digital Transformation
  • Family Office & Private Client
  • Financial and Transactions Advisory
  • Market Entry Advisory
  • Migration Advisory
  • Offshore Advisory
  • Risk & Governance Advisory
  • Tax Advisory
  • Transfer Pricing Advisory
  • Valuation Advisory


Market Entry Advisory

Entering new markets especially foreign markets are a daunting task. Miscalculation in market analysis, selection of markets and its entry methods could have a major impact on the success of this endeavor. If your company plans on expanding or relocating its businesses to new markets, let us help you with our Market Entry Advisory Services.

Our services span from market research and development of suitable entry models to smooth running of the day-to-day operations in the new market.

Our expertise include:

  • Business Deals Negotiation
  • Financial, Tax and Business Due Diligence
  • Government Relation
  • Grant and Government License Application
  • Investment Entity Structure, e.g. EPCC
  • Investment Tax Incentive and Indirect Tax Exemption
  • Market Entry Research & Feasibility Study
  • Business Partner Search for Mergers & Acquisition, Joint Venture and Strategic Alliance
  • Project and Contract Financing
  • Project Matchmaking
  • Research Data and Analysis including Global Company Financial, Business and Industry Data Analysis, Market and Competitor Data, Global M&A and Business Deals.


Service - Migration Advisory
In today’s connected world, relocating to a foreign country for new opportunities or to improve one’s quality of life is no longer as difficult as it used to be. However, starting over in a new country is never easy especially when you have to deal with housing, new work environment, laws, tax requirements and many other areas. We as immigration professionals can help ease some of your burden. Our team has extensive experience with assisting clients in business relocation, employing foreign talents and migration.

Our expertise include:

  • Employment Pass
  • Professional Visit Pass
  • Dependent Pass
  • Multiple-entry Social Visit Pass (MM2H)
  • Pass Cancellation
  • Pass Endorsement Transfer


Myanmar Advisory

The development of Special Economic Zones in Kyaukphyu, Thilawa and Dawei with a vast range of investment incentives to investors and improvements in infrastructure have highest priority by Government in order to promote foreign investments and trade flows, and to establish efficient international supply chains for future economic growth.


Our office in Myanmar is an extension of our regional office and co-managed by the regional and local Myanmar partners with local professional team. Our Myanmar office is subject to same work quality and methodology as other offices in the region.


We are truly local yet totally regional. With the leverage of our local Myanmar experiences and regional exposure, we instantly source the very best experts and teams to provide as much weight, insight or business credentials, as each client’s project requires.


Our Myanmar offices provide a diverse spectrum of business solutions and consulting services to the corporate client including:


  • Tax Advisory and Compliance
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Accounting Services and Functions
  • Outsourcing CFO and Treasury Functions
  • Budgeting and Financial Forecast
  • Myanmar Company Registration
  • Corporate Secretarial & Administration Services
  • Provision of Nominee Directors Services
  • Payroll Services and Human Resource Administration including Employment Pass/Visa Application, Executive Recruitment and Search
  • Co-sourced or Outsourced Internal Audit Functionsv
  • Internal Control Evaluation and System Reviews
  • Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) Review and Setup
  • Government Licences, Grant and Incentive Application
  • Financial and Transactions Advisory
  • Offshore Advisory
  • Profit Improvement
  • Sustainability Advisory on Environmental, Social, and Governance
  • Business Valuation, Financial Instruments and Derivatives Valuation Advisory


Service - Offshore Advisory
Registered Auditors
True to the statement from “Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) : Nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes” but for second part, taxes may vary.

Today, free-tax offshore shelf has become one of the common investment vehicles to minimum or free from excessive taxation, but for well-off individuals considering offshore investment, tax may not be the driving force behind “offshore” as it is the best way to protect the business and financial privacy from the competitors, illegitimate creditors or any third parties.

For the companies or individuals reside in high-tax region and if they can opt for offshore investment, it is in pursuits of higher returns while paying lesser tax or free-tax and without any intention to evade taxes in their home countries, most importantly, these tax restructuring strategies are completely under the law, thus the investment returns can be legalised in offshore and be repatriated for reinvestment in home countries.

Going offshore may not be suitable for every company and the business models may optimize use of offshore structure:

  • Engage in international trade among two or more countries in foreign market
  • Engage in offshore consulting advisory
  • Purchase of offshore stock, bonds, forex or any kinds of financial instruments
  • Establish an offshore holding company for listing on foreign stock exchange
  • Establish foreign branches, subsidiaries or representative offices
  • Acquire offshore real estate
  • Acquire registered ships or planes aboard
  • Acquire offshore trademark or patent from foreign companies
  • Register offshore trademark or patent for royalty programme or franchising matters

If your business models fall into the above, so why might an onshore investment if it carries lesser advantages as compared to offshore investment?

Our expertise include:

  • Advices on Labuan Company Tax and Operational Structure for special purposes including but not limited to Leasing Scheme for Shipping Companies, Investment Holding Companies, Captive Insurance Companies, Fund Management, Private Wealth Management, Global Incentive For Trading (GIFT) for International Commodity Trading Company, Labuan Foundation, Labuan Trust and Wills Planning, etc.
  • Offshore Companies (including but not limited to Labuan, BVI, Bermuda, Brunei, Cayman Island, etc.) Registration, Winding-up, Striking-off
  • Incorporation of Foreign Companies, Subsidiaries, Branches, Representative Offices in Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin American and Caribbean.
  • Offshore Tax Studies
  • Offshore Structures Studies
  • Offshore Double Tax Treaties Studies
  • Offshore Dividend Studies
  • Offshore Withholding Tax Studies
  • Offshore Virtual Office Supports
  • Offshore Resident Secretary and Secretarial Services
  • Provision of Offshore Nominee Shareholder, Registered Address and Resident Director


Service-Risk Governance Advisory
Team Members’ Credentials
The Institute of Internal Auditors Logo
Risk Advisory
Business failures and business continuity on-going concern increase significantly in the recent decade.

The Board of Directors have become increasingly conscious of the need of Enterprise Risk Management to manage the wide spectrum of risk across the enterprise. Today, with the dynamic business environment, the risks can be identified, monitored and minimised on an on-going basis with a formal methodology and framework setup in place.

Our expertise include:

  • Co-develop Enterprise Risk Management Framework including the identification and evaluation of key risk profile, and co-develop the action plans to mitigate and manage these identified key risk
  • Review or co-develop risk management policies and procedures

Corporate Governance
With the increase of financial frauds and corporate scandals had raised the eyes bow of the stakeholders and push the regulators to tighten the rules and compliances, the enhancement of corporate governance plays an important role to reassure the stakeholders in nowadays corporate world. We believe a good corporate governance always begins with a proven and structure framework satisfying all stakeholders interest.

We provide corporate governance system, practice and performance assessment.

Our expertise include:

  • Complying with corporate governance requirements.

Internal Audit & Control
The listed companies are required to disclose their internal audit activities in their annual reports. The Code of Corporate Governance has been heavily and yet mandatorily implicated in internal controls and internal audit functions.

We acknowledge the importance of setting up / on-going monitoring the effectiveness of internal control so as to minimise business risks. With our team of experienced and qualified internal auditors, we are able to provide credibility in your management reports, as well as providing professional advice on how to further improve the effectiveness of your internal control.

Our expertise:

  • Co-sourced or outsourced internal audit functions
  • Internal control evaluation and system reviews
  • Setting up internal control.
  • Pre-IPO internal control review
  • Special operational review
  • Business process improvement & control enhancement
  • Establishment of in-house internal audit function
  • Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) review and setup

Sustainability Advisory
Due to growing awareness of sustainability factors in business, investors are increasingly focus more on sustainability performance and how it is translated into social and environmental impacts and how it is improved operating efficiency and natural resource stewardship, and it remains a vital component of shareholder, employee, and stakeholder relations.

We are well-positioned to assist you in developing your Sustainability Report, building the roadmap necessary to make reporting efficient in the future and advising on the latest sustainability trends and developments.

Our expertise includes:

  • Stakeholder Engagement on ESG issues
  • Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure
  • Carbon Audit and Management
  • Sustainability Reporting System Building
  • Employee Management, Supply Chain Improvement and Risk Management related to ESG issues
  • Effective Communication with Institutional Investors on ESG enquiries
  • Report Assurance to enhance the accountability and confidence of ESG reporting
  • ESG Online Data


Service-Tax GST Advisory
Today tax has become an integral factor in business costing. Almost all business strategies and decision- making are affected by tax rules and regulations and companies always face a daunting task managing their tax requirements.

We offer well-crafted tax solutions and strategies to suit your organisation through identifying appropriate tax structure and tax incentive.

Our expertise in tax policies, up-to-date knowledge on tax issues or case, familiarity with the local practise of tax authorities and its development from time to time will optimise company’s or group’s tax benefits which in turn can significantly benefit your overall business in term of operation, profitability and competitiveness.

Our expertise include:

  • Corporate Income Tax Compliance
  • General Goods and Services Tax (GST) Advisory including but not limited to Company and Group Registration, GST Coding, Reporting, Filing & Appeals, Transfer of Business as a Going Concern (TOGC), Capital Goods, Vouchers, Stamps, Tokens, Employee Benefits, Agents & Auctioneers, Repossessed Goods, Designated Area (DA), etc.
  • Special Goods and Services Tax (GST) Advisory including but not limited to Approved Trader Scheme, Approved Toll Manufacturer Scheme, Approved Jeweller Scheme, Flat Rate Scheme, Warehousing Scheme, Tourist Refund Scheme, Second-Hand Goods Scheme, Cash Accounting Scheme, Discount Sales Price Scheme, Gross Margin Scheme, Import GST Deferment Scheme, Major Exporter Scheme, Approved Contract Manufacturer and Trader Scheme, Approved Import GST Suspension Scheme, Approved Marine Customer Scheme, Approved Marine Fuel Trader Scheme, Approved Refiner and Consolidator Scheme, Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL) Companies Scheme, Specialised Warehouse Scheme, etc.
  • Tax Exemption and Incentive Applications including but not limited to Double Deduction, Industrial Building Allowance, Pioneer Status, Investment Tax Allowances, Reinvestment Allowances, Integrated Investment Allowance, Land Intensification Allowance, Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), Operational Headquarters (OHQ), International Procurement Centre (IPC), Regional Distribution Centre (RDC), Treasury Management Centre (TMC), Regional Headquarters (RHQ) Award, Regional Headquarters (RHQ) Award, Merger & Acquisitions Scheme, International Growth Scheme (IGS), Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant, Development & Expansion Incentive (DEI), Automation Support Package, Global Trader Programme, Finance & Treasury Centre (FTC), Financial Sector Incentive (FSI), Research Incentive Scheme, Initiatives in New Technology, Approved Royalties Incentive (ARI), Writing-down Allowance for IP acquisition, Maritime Sector Incentive (MSI) for International Shipping, Shipping Related Support Services Award, Maritime Leasing Award and Maritime Innovation & Technology (MINT) Fund, etc.
  • International Tax and Cross-border Tax Planning
  • International Withholding Tax studies
  • Group Relief and Tax Restructuring for Subsidiaries Operating, Funding and Dividend Repatriation.
  • Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) studies
  • Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) Advisory
  • Indirect Tax Planning including Services Tax, Custom Tax, Import and Excise Duty, etc.
  • Tax Investigation and Tax Field Audit including Pre-tax Field Audit Review
  • Stamp Duty Planning and Stamp Duty Exemption Application
  • Expatriate Tax Advisory
  • Resident or Non-resident Personal Tax Compliance


Transfer Pricing Advisory

The best-quality transfer pricing advice and service that is always pragmatic and reflects current regulations in each jurisdiction, without losing sight of the technical details and operational impacts.


Our global and regional experience and local country knowledge and senior practitioners fully involvement throughout each project lets us bring real insights to clients, to streamline their processes, reduce TP risk and improve compliance, as well as to identify and implement opportunities for using TP as a tool to optimise tax outcomes.


We provide specialist transfer pricing services to clients through our seamless network of experienced practitioners and selected alliance partners and tailor our services to respond to our clients priorities:


  • Staying ahead of transfer pricing changes and risks – and knowing when to take action;
  • Addressing transfer pricing compliance and issues cost-effectively, with limited resources and budget;
  • Minimising risk, optimising compliance and driving value in their business operations;
  • Responding to multiple transfer pricing audits and investigations with tax authorities in multiple jurisdictions.


Our expertise include:


Transfer Pricing Design

The foundation of any good transfer pricing system is a robust design that takes full account of the commercial and operational framework of the business.


Our approach to design includes the following support:


  • Strategic Coaching
  • Strategic Review to identify Transfer Pricing Risks and Opportunities for improvement
  • Design of Operational Transfer Pricing Policy, Business Processes and Scenario Analysis
  • BEPS Risk Reviews and Compliance Strategy Development
  • Functional Characterisation or Re-characterisation and Analysis
  • Benchmarking Studies and Financial Modeling


Transfer Pricing Documentation

Preparation of transfer pricing documentation is the only way for companies to evidence their compliance with the relevant transfer pricing rules.


Our approach to documentation includes the following support:


  • Master and Local File Documentation
  • Country-by-Country Reporting
  • Transaction-based Documentation
  • Transfer Pricing Review of Legal Agreements
  • Documentation of Transfer Pricing Policies and assistance with implementation
  • Provision of In-house and ad-hoc Transfer Pricing Support on a retainer basis


Transfer Pricing Defend

The last pillar of our support is defence and may include defining the risk management strategy, supporting local transfer pricing audits, and concluding APAs and MAPs.


Our approach to defend includes the following support:


  • Transfer Pricing risk Assessment and Prudential Risk Reviews
  • Strategic Audit Management
  • Advance Pricing Agreements
  • Mutual Agreement Procedures
  • Arbitration, Mediation and Expert Witness Testimony or Opinion

US Desk

US Desk featured
Registered Auditors
PCAOB logo
Team Member’s Credentials
National association of certified valuators and analysts
Thinking of going listed aboard on US Stock Exchange for either a better valuation and liquidity or gateway to international market to leverage global growth? 

Our US Desk has been setup to support and facilitate those Asia-based companies interested in going listed abord on US Stock Exchange.

Our US Desk is well connected with our member firms or strategic partners throughout the US to act as a single point of contact to manage your cross-border projects in direct coordination with your team and assist your IPO path to success in US.

Our expertise include:

  • US GAAP Reporting including the Preparation of SEC Form, Quarterly Announcement and Annual Financial Statement in accordance with US GAAP Financial Reporting Framework;
  • Identifying Key Differences Between IFRS and US GAAP and Converting IFRS to US GAAP and Assisting in the Calculation of Necessary Adjustments; 
  • Preparing Interim or Annual US GAAP and SEC Disclosure Checklist and Management Analysis and Discussions;
  • US GAAP Technical Accounting Memorandum on Complex and Unusual Accounting Transactions;
  • SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) Reporting including the setting up of COSO Framework to Address Major Elements of Internal Controls such as the Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information/Communication, and Monitoring Activities to meet the requirements of 404a – Management’s Responsibility for Establishing and Maintaining Adequate Internal Control For Financial Reporting or 404b – Independent Auditor’s Responsibility for Attesting to and Reporting on Management’s Assessment of Internal Control.   
  • Introducing and Pitching a Target Companies to Potentially Match with a Right SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisitions Companies) for Acquisition and Merger.
  • American National Standard Business Valuation by Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) of National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) for the purpose of Financial Reporting, Initial Public Offering (IPO), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and SPACs.


Service-Valuation Advisory

We offers comprehensive business and assets valuation services with the highest level of internationally recognised expertise. We stay on top of the industry by constantly updating ourselves with the latest professional and regulatory standards; proposed and upcoming changes; as well as the adoption of industry best-practices. By utilising our unmatched industry experience, our valuation teams work closely together with the consulting team to keep our clients acquainted with the latest market trend in order to make the best financial decision.


Our expertise include:


Business & Intangible Asset Valuation


  • Feasibility Study
  • Financial Reporting
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  • Intangible Asset
  • Liquidation and Litigation Support
  • Long-lived Asset Impairment Analysis
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Purchase Price Allocation


Financial Instruments and Derivatives Valuation


  • Convertible Bonds / Notes
  • Employee Share Ownership
  • Financial Guarantee Contracts
  • Financial Instrument Fair Value
  • Futures / Forwards
  • Hybrid Share Options
  • Share Appreciation Rights
  • Swaps
  • Preferred / Preference Shares
  • Restricted Shares
  • Real Options
  • Warrants


Contingent Asset and Liability Valuation


  • Pensions (Defined Benefits and Defined Contributions)
  • Goodwill
  • Loyalty Programs (e.g. Frequent flyer program, Credit Card or Hotel rewards program)
  • Share Based Payments and Options
  • Brand names, patents, trademarks