We are more than just an Accountant, with our expertise in various industries, we tailor-made the right solutions for your business.
Putting Your Puzzle Pieces Together

Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.


With TY TEOH International, your management team is surrounding with 7000+ excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 75+ countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.


Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !


Service - Offshore Advisory
Registered Auditors
True to the statement from “Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) : Nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes” but for second part, taxes may vary.

Today, free-tax offshore shelf has become one of the common investment vehicles to minimum or free from excessive taxation, but for well-off individuals considering offshore investment, tax may not be the driving force behind “offshore” as it is the best way to protect the business and financial privacy from the competitors, illegitimate creditors or any third parties.

For the companies or individuals reside in high-tax region and if they can opt for offshore investment, it is in pursuits of higher returns while paying lesser tax or free-tax and without any intention to evade taxes in their home countries, most importantly, these tax restructuring strategies are completely under the law, thus the investment returns can be legalised in offshore and be repatriated for reinvestment in home countries.

Going offshore may not be suitable for every company and the business models may optimize use of offshore structure:

  • Engage in international trade among two or more countries in foreign market
  • Engage in offshore consulting advisory
  • Purchase of offshore stock, bonds, forex or any kinds of financial instruments
  • Establish an offshore holding company for listing on foreign stock exchange
  • Establish foreign branches, subsidiaries or representative offices
  • Acquire offshore real estate
  • Acquire registered ships or planes aboard
  • Acquire offshore trademark or patent from foreign companies
  • Register offshore trademark or patent for royalty programme or franchising matters

If your business models fall into the above, so why might an onshore investment if it carries lesser advantages as compared to offshore investment?

Our expertise include:

  • Advices on Labuan Company Tax and Operational Structure for special purposes including but not limited to Leasing Scheme for Shipping Companies, Investment Holding Companies, Captive Insurance Companies, Fund Management, Private Wealth Management, Global Incentive For Trading (GIFT) for International Commodity Trading Company, Labuan Foundation, Labuan Trust and Wills Planning, etc.
  • Offshore Companies (including but not limited to Labuan, BVI, Bermuda, Brunei, Cayman Island, etc.) Registration, Winding-up, Striking-off
  • Incorporation of Foreign Companies, Subsidiaries, Branches, Representative Offices in Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, North America, Latin American and Caribbean.
  • Offshore Tax Studies
  • Offshore Structures Studies
  • Offshore Double Tax Treaties Studies
  • Offshore Dividend Studies
  • Offshore Withholding Tax Studies
  • Offshore Virtual Office Supports
  • Offshore Resident Secretary and Secretarial Services
  • Provision of Offshore Nominee Shareholder, Registered Address and Resident Director